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Video - Bowling-green-maintenance-with-Bowls-Scotland-and-Dennis-Razor-Ultra
Monday 6 June 2016

Bowling green maintenance with Bowls Scotland & Dennis Razor Ultra

Watch bowling green maintenance with Bowls Scotland and the Dennis Mowers Razor Ultra in action.

Video - Bowling-green-maintenance-with-Bowls-Scotland-and-Dennis-FT-Range
Monday 6 June 2016

Bowling green maintenance with Bowls Scotland & Dennis FT Range

Watch this bowling green maintenance video with Bowls Scotland and the Dennis Mowers FT Series in action.

Video - Bowling-green-maintenance-with-the-British-Crown-Green-Bowling-Association
Friday 6 May 2016

Bowling green maintenance with the British Crown Green Bowling Association

The recent bowling green maintenance seminar hosted by leading British manufacturers Dennis Mowers and SISIS Equipment in association with the British Crown Green Bowling Association held at Cleckheaton Bowls Club in Yorkshire.

Video - Bowls-Scotland-bowling-green-maintenance-seminar-in-association-with-Dennis-Mowers
Wednesday 11 November 2015

Bowls Scotland bowling green maintenance seminar in association with Dennis Mowers

Bowls Scotland Bowling green maintenance seminar in association with Dennis Mowers. Dennis Mowers have recently supported Bowls Scotland in a series of seminars held all over Scotland designed to help club greenkeepers and volunteers maintain their bowling greens.

Video - Dennis-Mowers-host-successful-bowls-maintenance-seminar
Wednesday 8 April 2015

Dennis Mowers host successful bowls maintenance seminar

Dennis and SISIS have successfully hosted another series of informative bowling green maintenance seminars with more promised for later this year.