ES510 Oakham School.JPG
E-Series Cricket Mowers

ECB Grants

The Dennis E-Series features a range of battery mowers, that meet the requirements of the ECB grant funding options available during 2024. The range consists of cricket wicket mowers and cricket square mowers.

Suitable for maintaining both cricket wickets and cricket squares, the ES-510 and ES-610 are ultra quiet, interchangeable cassette systems with operating widths of 20” and 24” and a cutting height of 3mm to 25mm. Both machines have a selection of cassettes that allows ground staff to carry out a multitude of tasks pre, during and post season. Cassettes include cutting cylinders, scarifiers, aerators, verticutters and brushes.

Alternatively, the ES22 and ES22 Ultra are 22” dedicated mowers that are perfect for cutting cricket wickets and cricket squares. Both mowers have 11 bladed cutting cylinders and a cutting height of 3mm to 25mm ensuring an ultra-fine finish. The ES-22 Ultra is complete with a tungsten tipped groomer to control lateral growth.

If you are looking for a battery mower that will maintain both the cricket square and outfield, then the ES-860 is ideal. With its interchangeable cassette system capable of utilising cutting cylinders, scarifiers and brushes and an operating width of 34” allows a multitude of key maintenance tasks to be completed pre, during and end of the season.

Grass Pitch Improvement Fund

The Grass Pitch Improvement Fund (GPIF) aims to tackle inequalities by providing improved access to good quality, safe playing facilities for targeted groups. The Sport England Lottery Fund will provide funding for projects in England, with the projects in Wales supported by the England and Wales Cricket Trust.

Priority will be given to applications which support cricket for the following groups:
- Women's and girls cricket
- Cricket in diverse communities
- Disabilty cricket
- Low socio-economic groups (LSEG)

Investment will be targeted into three main areas:
- Improving the quality of squares and outfields ( for grass pitches rated 'unsuitable' or 'basic' to improve to at least 'good')
- Creating sustainable management of sites (through irrigation and machinery improvements)
- Installing hybrid pitches to increase playing capacity

County Grants

The scheme is open to affiliated clubs and is aimed at creating welcoming environments, enhancing facilities and playing opportunities and tackling climate change.

Priority will be given to applications from clubs that are actively engaged with ECB programmes.

The scheme will run until at least 2025.

Clubs can apply for funding towards the purchase of relevant products and the relevant theme for electric mowers is Tackling climate change.

Clubs can apply for between £1000 and £10,000 per application

Successful clubs will receive a maximum of 25% of the electric mower cost.

Interest Free Loan

The scheme provides finance to clubs for capital projects to help build and ensure a sustainable future and is open to all affiliated clubs and other organisations that provide evidence of delivery of the EWCT’s charitable aims.

A minimum of 10% partnership funding is required from the club.

Projects include equipment and machinery.

Further information on ECB funding can be found at ECB Club Funding.

ES-510 & ES-860 - Ideal for cricket wickets and squares


  • Battery equipment has come a long way in the last few years, but I believe Dennis has gone a step further and made it even better. Electric is no longer the future, its the now.

    Richard Dexter

    Head of Grounds & Gardens - Oakham School
  • We can comfortably mow the entire outfield twice on just one charge with the Dennis ES-860. I love how the mower glides across the outfield, it is the smoothest machine I have ever used.

    Hugh Beesley

    Assistant Groundstaff