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Video - Cricket-Pitch-Renovation-Seminar-with-Dennis-Mowers
Thursday 16 August 2018

Cricket Pitch Renovation Seminar with Dennis Mowers

Over 130 cricket groundsmen made their way to Cheltenham College for the second ever Dennis and SISIS' Cricket Pitch Renovation Day, which featured a mix of thought provoking indoor presentations and outdoor practical demonstrations.

Video - Dennis-and-SISIS-Cricket-Renovation-Day-A-Huge-Success
Monday 24 July 2017

Dennis & SISIS Cricket Renovation Day A Huge Success

Cricket end of season renovation seminar with Dennis Mowers. The recent Dennis Mowers end of season Cricket Groundsman's Seminar saw over 150 cricket groundsmen attend the day which was hosed at St Albans School Woollam Trust in Hertfordshire.

Video - 2017-Cricket-Groundsman's-Seminar-at-Gloucestershire-CCC-The-best-ever
Monday 27 February 2017

2017 Cricket Groundsman's Seminar at Gloucestershire CCC - The best ever

Dennis and SISIS Cricket Groundsman's Seminar recorded its highest ever attendance with an impressive 260 delegates making their way to Gloucestershire County Cricket Club all looking to refresh and enhance their education on a variety of topics.

Video - Crystal-Palace-FC-purchase-six-Dennis-G860-mowers
Thursday 18 August 2016

Crystal Palace FC purchase six Dennis G860 mowers

Bruce Elliot, head of grounds and estates at Crystal Palace Football Club tells us why the club have purchased six new Dennis G860 mowers complete with interchangeable cassettes.

Video - Dennis-G860-and-Dennis-Premier-mowers-at-Derby-County-FC
Thursday 14 July 2016

Dennis G860 & Dennis Premier mowers at Derby County FC

Derby County Football Club Head Groundsman Nathan Scarff talks about why he has chosen to use Dennis G860 and Dennis Premier mowers.